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News & Information

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

One strip every two months.

That's been the average time between strips for the past year (not including that filler last month.)

It's also Not Good. It suggests that I've been hopelessly distracted by... oh, I don't know. All sorts of things. Play. Work. Toastmasters. University.

This year, I'm going to attempt to do more comic strips and get back into production. Not of paper comics; I don't have any money. Last time somebody extended a figure for a short print run, it was something around $3000, and I don't have that dosh.

Also, I have to admit that I'm in a corner, writing-wise. It's possible for me to dwell on the Hippies some more, but that means more pub shots. I know what happens immediately after, but what after that?

I need to get organised, and also see about updating and redesigning the site. I need to go through the archives with a molten lead enema, so I may as well think about gussying up the looks as well.

Oh well. I have promotional literature for Toastmasters to make, some game mods to get on with, weight to lose, and another... five... strips to go before the holidays are up. Until then.

posted by Cardboard at 12:13 AM