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News & Information

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Interesting news

Grant Buist sent me an email about an exhibition of cartoons at the central library around the middle of April - see The Package for more details as things get closer. This means I'll have to make a few trips to the Warehouse to buy some cheap frames for the Alien Review synopsis story and some of the "funnier" Alien Smegma Pie one-offs; run off some business cards and one or two explanatory notes on how I do stuff; then make a trip to the library at some stage to get everything set up.

After all, if I'm going to escape from this Horrible Job I'm currently stuck in, I may as well try turning a tentacle towards using my artistic ability as an escape route.

I've also offered Salient my services as an opinion columnist; I'm just waiting for a reply.

Add to that a statement made by my Mum, calling from her holiday in sunny Australia, that when they get back they'll be looking at job coaching for me... this could be interesting. Very interesting indeed.

posted by Cardboard at 11:33 PM