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News & Information

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hey! Where's my time gone NOW?

Did I mention I was taking a summer course this Christmas? Well, I'm amazed at how much time it's been chewing out of my days. Not including the four hours commute in and out of campus, there's the hours spent in the library studying and the lecture theatre trying to winnow the lecturer's wheat from his chaff.

Now I have to write a 2000-word essay by Thursday.

Hopefully I'll invent some nice Christmassy filler for the big day. I don't know, though. I still have an assload of work to do, and I'm getting worried about financial assistance. I don't want to draw on my credit card much more, but I do want to do something on New Year's. Then again, I have Morrowind and Tribunal, and an assload of mods downloaded, so maybe I'm just being pigheaded.

As always, any donations are always welcome.

And isn't that "psychedelic"-style panel in the today's comic a beauty?

posted by Cardboard at 7:20 PM