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Monday, June 06, 2005

Where was I, and where am I going?

Obviously, I have two answers to give tonight.

Where were you?

I was frantically writing an essay on Byron's poetry, revising for the exam, and Working. Not just working, mark you; any fool can "work" on creative pursuits, cleaning the house, study and such. I was Working: that is, labouring in the service of the paying employer. Paid Work, the holiest of holy activities in this insane world of ours, dominated as it is by Arbeit MacFrei, the god of Work and Toil in the pantheon of the Conspiracy.

I treasure every chance to relax, Slack off and do nothing productive I get. With Paid Work and School Work pulling me in different directions, something had to give. I hate to say it, but today's crude update took three weeks to draw.

Where are you going?

I haven't decided, actually. I'm thinking of taking a week's holiday mid-August, but I haven't chosen a destination yet. I also have to line up a new, better job for when this one finally runs out. And as for the comic...

The comic. I'm coming to the dreaded Corner, and have to write myself out of it soon. I've got a heap of ideas crashing around, but I can't use them yet for fear of the whole strip becoming silly. There's another heap somewhere, but I've lost it underneath one of my piles of junk. But what I can say is that the following do and probably will occur:

  1. The hippies, once they find somewhere to crash, will prove to be a nuisance.

  2. Khristo will find that the Children's training isn't going to be that easy.

  3. Derek Topping, in the pursuit of his plans for Te Kore, will get assaulted.

  4. WAR will make a move. How, when and against who I don't know yet.

  5. Two words that wil particularly distress some residents of the Bay of Plenty: Weather Bomb.

  6. A rates increase will drive Layla to board with Greg, and lead to strong words at a residents meeting.

  7. Greg will find out first hand about Miss Reopardu's feelings for storms.

  8. There will be a flashback to Miss Reopardu's last hours before leaving Gryrnu forever.

  9. Khristo will have a little talk with Greg. It won't go well.

  10. Greg and Layla make a decision that sends shockwaves through Little Gryrnu, Waiarapa RD5.

  11. The aliens respond to this decision.

  12. Greg responds to their decision.

  13. And They All Live Happily Ever After, except for the baddies who die horribly, but you expect that because people prefer endings that vindicate the heroes.

The trick, really, is getting myself into a position where I can afford (and I do mean that quite literally) to take the time to draw this friggin' strip. Not this month; I need to build up reserves for both the July school holidays and the mid-tri break, not to mention the oncoming Christmas hols, if summer work falls through.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the Queens Birthday weekend like I did, bad weather aside.

posted by Cardboard at 3:11 AM