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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

...the Last Place you Look

For over a month, my scanner's been dead. My parents have offered to get me one as a Christmas present, so now they need to find one of the bloody things.

The whole silly saga is appended to the base of the latest comic (backdated, yes, I know). And before you ask, NO, I do not want some "multifunction" jobbie that functions as a photocopier and that when it breaks down denies you the use of your printer. I have job letters to write.

But what beggars my belief is that it has taken about a hundred dollars (for a USB drive and replacement PSU for the olds' computer) to remember my Yahoo! email and its spacious 1GB storage!

Anyway, I'd better get on with drawing the next one. I solemnly swore to draw at least six newies over the Christmas break. Better get moving.

posted by Cardboard at 11:29 AM